Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal 1

I do consider myself a writer because I use my writing skills continuously. Even though I may not realize it, I write in various forms every day. I email, text, take notes in class, write papers, do homework assignments and much more. All of these forms are considered writing. I do not have to write a best seller novel to be considered a writer. I write for different reasons. If I am writing to a professor via email I will be very formal, whereas if I am writing a friend I might tell them about some things that have been going on in my life and catching up on how they have been lately. I also text in different ways. If I am bored I may text a friend and chat back and for hours. If I am supposed to be meeting someone somewhere and am running late, I might text them to tell them I will be there soon. I use writing in taking class notes. I may abbreviate my notes or be very concise and clear depending on the subject at hand. When writing papers I usually just begin writing about whatever comes to mind about the issue. Later I will read over it and rewrite it until it sounds like a good paper to turn in to a professor. In this class, I hope to build upon my skills from the last semester. Last semester I wrote and found out about where my main issues and problems occur. This semester I want to fix and resolve these problems and issues, making my writing much better. For example repetition seems to be a problem in my writing. In this class I want to focus on this and really try to improve this. I can't wait to see the results!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Journal 9

I think google is both beneficial to general knowledge and is very practical, however I would say that it is hindering some aspects of human learning. With google, searching for answers on a given subject can be easily done. However, the amount of misinformed or insufficiently supported content on the internet is overwhelming. Besides the fact that knowledge may not be trustworthy, google shortens our attention span and drives us to find quick answers online rather than reading a credible book or text on the subject. Because googling something is a lot easier than going to the library or reading a text book, I believe it is making us lazier and less thorough. I believe we retain information longer if we are physically responsible for retaining such information, such as writing down responses after reading a chapter.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

judging a website by its design

Although my description of Anthropologie may be a little bias, seeing as I love their products, it cannot be denied that it is a visually appealing website. Even if you know nothing about the style of clothing that is sold there, you can get a feel for it upon entering the website. Despite the beautiful and creative images of models in their attire, the text looks to be modeled after something that a typewriter would have written and the colors are neutral. This gives it a neat and sophisticated look with a hint of vintage. The images change smoothly and there are even video clips of the models which also adds a level of quality. When clicking through the site, there is a definite pattern of vintage and this is good that it is consistent. I think this website is well put together as well as visually appealing.

On the other hand...

This is honestly one of the most ridiculous websites I have ever encountered (and growing up computer savvy, I have seen hundreds of websites). Everything about this site is wrong. There are too many colors, no organization of the links, a cluster of random images in the background that don't even relate to bridal attire, and the images that do show brides are low quality and look as if they are taken from a cell phone. The text is not helpful or informative, but distracting and looks as if a child had a bit too much fun playing with the paint software. I do not think that anyone would seriously inquire to what Yvettes Bridal has to offer after taking one look at the website. It completely destroys any credibility they may hope to have.

switch the style up

I would definitely say that my voice is consistent no matter the audience. While I may have to adjust the content and the way in which it is presented, the structure of my sentences and the style I choose to arrive to the point with rarely vary. I'm not exactly sure if this is a strength or a weakness, but maybe it's a little of both. I think it is important to be comfortable and familiar with your style of writing, but at the same time I don't think it is beneficial to never stray from it. This is something that I hope to explore more as my writing level advances and I have to tackle harder subjects. I want to be able to say things in different ways but not lose the meaning.

Journal 8
Is actually the most pointless website I have ever seen in my life. It is just the color purple and has zero reason for even existing. There are no links, no text, nothing. There isn't even anything to analyze for it.
I think that the official gatorade website is very eye catching and informative. If one were to rhetorically analyze this website it would be very easy to do so. The images, colors, and text are all very attention grabbing and informative. It is very easy to navigate through this website and if you need to find something, it is easy to figure out where on the website that information would be.

Journal 10

I definitely think that my style changes depending on my audience. I notice this even in every day life. When I am texting my friends, I text very differently than when I am even texting my mom or my dad. When I notice that I am doing this I kind of laugh to myself, because I catch myself almost acting like a completely different person. I think that it is definitely important to change your voice, but not change it too much. I think that when I am writing in class I have a consistent voice, and when I am texting my friends I have a almost consistent voice- but the two voices are different, since my audiences are not even close to being the same.


I think that this wordle really describes my writing for this semester. I also think that it is really funny about what some of the words that I used a lot were. But I did spend a lot of time working on inquiry three, which was my longest paper so it make sense that words from that inquiry are the ones that stand out.

 Wordle: Wordle